20 Ways to Have Solo Fun

Each and every one of us is having a Me Experience. The only person with whom we share every second of every hour of every day of our entire life is our self so we all need lots and lots of things to do to give ourselves a good time. It’s actually pretty easy. After all, being alone in your own company can be the very best experience of all.

20 fun things to do on your own:

1.      Lie back on a comfy chaise lounge, with a favourite beverage nearby, surrounded by the night.  Search the skies for the stars you like the most. If you’re lucky, you might even see a meteorite (falling star) hurtle by. Don’t forget to make a wish.

2.      Write down everything wonderful you want to happen in your life.  Everyday, visualise and affirm the perfect life you want for yourself.

3.      Go shopping for a selection of flowering plants.  Design or find a pattern you like and plant your new purchases in that pattern.  Water and watch your garden grow.  Feel empowered by your achievement.

4.      Join your local library and luxuriate in your decision-making process whenever you visit.  Libraries have a great peaceful atmosphere.  Borrow books, magazines, talking books, DVDs, CDs, Talking Books. And find out what functions your library is holding over the coming months. Our local library not only has visiting authors talk about their latest creation but also lots of local businesses come and give free demonstrations and classes.

5.      Grow your own food. Even if you have very limited outside space, you can still grow some vegetables and even a small lemon tree. Food always tastes better when you’ve grown it yourself.

6.      Create a Dream Diary.  It’s incredible the way dreams come back to you even through the distance of many years, if you have written them down soon after the event.  Fascinating to hear from our subconscious in such an experiential way.

7.      Rent or buy happy, uplifting films, television series or documentaries.  Remember, laughter can literally cure most anything.

8.      Grow herbs mixed with companion flowers along your kitchen windowsill.  You will have good smells, great tastes and lots of colour … and better health.

9.      Read … and then read some more.  Read what you like.  Read a bit of this and that.  Read about things you want to know.  Read about things that interest you.  Read books.  Read the World Wide Web.  Read.

10.  Write a daily journal.  Ponder why things happened the way they did.  Remind yourself of the high points of your day.  Dwell on everything good that happens to you.

11.  Go window shopping for luxury items you want to eventually buy for yourself.  Now is the time to discover whether you prefer red or black upholstery on your future SAAB convertible.

12.  Bicycle around your neighbourhood.  Nod hullo to your neighbours.  Watch the plants and trees and families and houses grow.

13.  Join a local charity.  Helping others can be fun as well as globally beneficial.

14.  Learn to play a musical instrument.  It is very empowering and emotionally uplifting to create your own music.

15.  Write your autobiography.  Don’t worry about trying to write in a polished manner in an effort to be published.  This autobiography is for you, and your future genetic line.  Remember there’s no-one quite as fascinating as your own self.

16.  Sing. Sing along with the radio. Sing favourite songs from the past. Buy a karaoke machine and sing for your own amusement … and in preparation for the next office party.

17.  Meditate. There are so many different forms of meditation – find the one, or two, that suit you best and make meditation a daily. It does you a world of good.

18.  Dance. Put on your favourite dance tunes and just go for it. This is great fun and very good exercise.

19.  Learn a new skill. You could even get a degree or certification. Think of something you’re interested in and study it through books and on the web.

20.  Every day write down several things that you’re grateful to have in your life. An attitude of gratitude can literally change your life for the better.