Neuro Linguistic Programming

What is NLP?

NLP is a personal coaching system which can create radical, life-long, positive, personal change. Combined with Life Coaching, NLP is an elevated form of mentorship, ensuring that a client is given valuable mental skills and emotional tools that will assist them directly in whatever they are presently wanting to achieve and then forever more in all areas of their lives.

NLP achieves its life altering objective by accessing the vast capacity of our subconscious minds to uncover and identify negative, self-defeating patterns and programmes which have dominated our daily perspectives and focus, ensuring we were creating realities that are now outdated and less than good for ourselves. NLP trips these old and overwhelming triggers ensuring we can now focus on how to live our ideal lives.

NLP also uses the immense power of our personal language patterns to restore personal power and control. 

What does NLP mean?

NLP is the acronym for Neuro Linguistic Programming which, very basically, means that it is a system for radical, life-long, positive, personal change using the vast capacity of our minds to recognise the immense power of the words we use and the underlying control of programmes we have been trained to perceive as our realities.

Neuro means “relating to a nerve and the nervous system”. In NLP, the “neuro” bit is reminding us that our conscious and subconscious experiences come from our senses and central nervous systems.

Linguistic is the scientific study of language and in NLP it is reminding us that the language we use can, and does, change the meaning and organisation of our mental processes.

Programming in NLP is about how we have programmed ourselves to perceive and relate to ourselves and the world around us.

It is the combination of these three areas of knowledge plus a few added extras for good measure that create the seemingly miraculous results that so often follow several consultations with a NLP Master.

What does NLP do?

NLP ensures we improve the most important aspects of our lives. It assists us to model our behaviour by copying human excellence in any form. It helps to identify the things that make someone exceptionally skilled, even when they previously thought of themselves as unskilled. It spurs clients on, to be the best they can be in whatever area of their life they desire to improve.

NLP ultimately teaches a client how to reassess their perceptions and make informed decisions on where they really want their focus to centre upon. It then teaches how to contact the most powerful part of the brain (our subconscious mind) to ensure that a client follows a path of fruitful understanding and observation, allowing each person to achieve their goals and ideals.

Is it like therapy?

Unlike therapy which digs and dwells on the ugly and unfortunate in our lives, NLP merely accepts what has happened and gives the client skills and techniques to move beyond any negative experiences, making use of the mind’s infinite capacity to switch its focus from the bad and turn it towards and into a bright and fortunate now, generating new possibilities and opportunities.

The techniques in NLP teach clients how to use their brains to their best advantage. This ensures that all wisdom gained from past experiences, no matter how traumatic, proves to be useful when tapped with definite positive and pre-defined search outcomes expected. The end result will always be for the client’s greater good and happiness.

What does NLP do?

NLP assist clients to basically rewire their thinking and their expectations. It opens up an almost magical world of possibilities, helping us to perceive the greatest number of available choices and perspectives. It then helps to pinpoint our personal and/or career destinations and roadmap the best possible path to arrive at our own ideal.

NLP spotlights the wisdom coming from being able to view multiple choices at any time and make valid and considered choices with self assurance and acceptance.

With NLP, we are able to eliminate negative emotions and limiting decisions.  Clients are able to identify and change limiting beliefs and perspectives. It helps them work better with others while also helping them work so much more effectively on their own.

NLP techniques ensure that professional success and personal happiness become consistent and remarkably more predicable.

How can NLP help me?

People from around the world, for over three decades, have found NLP to be extremely useful in creating major breakthroughs in their lives. It can help anyone and everyone. In my opinion, it should really to used and taught in schools helping children and teenagers to create a better, more wonderful world for themselves. It would certainly help them enjoy learning much, much more with the inevitable outcome of better grades. Yet NLP is not limited to any age group. It can help the over seventies take on a whole new and exciting perspective of the rest of their lives. And it can help everyone in between make decisions based on choices, otherwise hidden from their view. It can help you.


Whether a client wants to improve their relationships, their careers, their opinion of themselves or whatever … there is no job too big or small for NLP! Whether you are a housewife, a CEO of billion dollar corporation, a student, a retiree, a small business owner, a spiritual searcher, a tired parent, a entrepreneur, a sales-person, a multi-level marketer, an unhappy spouse, a tradesperson, a teacher – whoever you are, whatever you do, NLP will help you achieve your personal goals. It really is that amazing!