We Are All in This Together

Aug 21, 2012 by

We Are All in This Together

One of my greatest joys in life is witnessing people being truly happy with their lives. I do everything in my power to ensure that that happiness occurs around me as much as possible. Of course, I want to ensure I’m happy too – I wouldn’t be much use to myself or anyone else if I was a miserable old sod so I look towards the good and wondrous and let it lift my spirits as much as possible.

You see, your happiness makes me happy and my happiness assists in making you happy. We are interconnected – the energy that is in each and all of us moves around so much that a bit of my energy has already passed through you many times just as your energy has passed through me many times. There’s no getting away from each other and every one else. So, it’s much better if that energy is positive and happy rather than bleah, don’t you agree?

Life is a funny old thing. It seems so real and so ridiculous all at the same time. Here we all are, interconnected energy capable of creating anything, with the mind capacity of geniuses, with the natural born ability to constantly make miracles and what do we do … we moan about the weather, or that thing that happened a while back that still annoys us.

I’m so tired of hearing people saying that you’ve got to have the good with the bad or otherwise you won’t appreciate the good! What a load of baloney! Wouldn’t it be so much better to accept that we are more than Harry Potter or Merlin and conjure up something beyond wonderful for ourselves every single day? Have you ever had periods of your life when everything was going really, really well in all areas of your life? Well, I have – and it was constantly, joyously appreciated, in fact rejoicing in my good fortune was part of what made all that good so good.

I profoundly believe that we are all meant to be living the happy life. Life is meant to be fun! If it isn’t, then what’s the point? Misery pulls us down, Happiness lifts us up or to be more exact, misery lowers our vibrational patterns and happiness raises our vibrational patterns. And what does all that lifting and lowering do? It affects every aspect of our lives and every single being in the world.

So, I’ve decided to extend the reach of my ability to assist others to live their ideal lives. I’m inviting you to share your Me Experience with my Me Experience and see what special kind of magic we can make in the world. My name is Barbara – what’s yours? I help people to understand their capacity for greatness – it’s one of the things I do because I’m passionate about ensuring as many people as possible become all they can be, including me. I’m also passionate about helping people to have as much gentle fun as possible – laughter and joy are infectious – that’s a virus we definitely need to be sharing.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me – I look forward to getting to know you better and helping your life become that little bit more special because sharing the world and our combined Me Experiences together is a wonderful thing.




It was pointed out to me that the title I chose for this post is also the name of a song by Australian singer songwriter, Ben Lee. It’s a serendipitous circumstance because the sentiment of the song matches the sentiment of the blog – I love it when synchronisity comes into play – it certainly shows I’m heading in the right direction. Thanks to Ben and thanks to the young Aussie creator of the video.

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