15 Fun Things to Do Together

The Me Experience often includes loving someone very special who makes your heart, and other parts of your body, tingle. If you want to have the richest form of couple experience, it is very important to thoroughly enjoy your self while also enjoying each other’s company.

It’s surprising how often I hear someone say that they feel as though there’s nothing to do together anymore except watch television. If you’re in a similar situation or you’re just on the lookout for more fun activities to share with your mate, here are a few ideas that my husband and I do together.

Here are 15 Fun things to do as a Couple:

1.      Learn dancing together. Rhythmically moving your bodies together is an incredibly sexy and romantic way to exercise. Search for classes that allow and encourage couples to stay together during the teaching process – after all, you’re not trying to see how many new people you can meet, you’re taking classes to learn to dance together. Ladies, please remember, this is one area of your lives where the man will always lead.

2.      Sit in comfy chairs together, enjoying the sun, while you discover all the different sounds you can hear and bring them to each other’s attention. You’ll be surprised by how much is going even when you think everything is silent.

3.      Go shopping together, separately.  Men do actually enjoy shopping when they’re shopping for something special for themselves. Decide on the amount of money you can afford to spend together and divide it between the two of you.  Go your separate ways for 2 hours and buy your very own special something.  Meet back together after 2 hours, sit down over a hot drink and show off your purchases.

4.      Lie in a hammock-for-two and watch the stars.  Find the star that is shining for the two of you alone.  Name the star – making it a symbol of your love and friendship. This is quite an amazingly cuddly, snugly, relaxing activity.

5.      Treat yourselves to a weekend away in a hotel/motel surrounded by beautiful scenery and sporting its very own spa. Go for long walks, sit down to good food and enjoy a good, long spa bath together, making sure you inform each other of the best bubbles and best ways to relax. (E.g.: “If you hook your foot around at this angle, the pressure jet hits all down the inside of your heel.”

6.      Shop together for $10 to $100 worth of flowering plants/punnets.  Design a pattern together that you’d like to see appear in your front or back yard, or balcony and plant.  Watch your garden grow.

7.      Go for a drive to a beautiful spot and have afternoon tea.  Splurge on something totally decadent – some sort rich cake or dessert sounds ideal. Of course, your can never go past havingDevonshire tea, (scones, jam and cream – yum). Sharing something fun and wonderful is always good for any relationship.

8.      Become tourists in your own home town. Where would you visit if you were from somewhere else and just staying for a couple of week? It’s surprising how often people ignore places of interest simply because they’re local. Take total advantage of your own area.  Find the best tourist spots, or private spots and make regular use of them.

9.      Buy each other flowers regularly after finding out each other’s favourite varieties. Women love and appreciate receiving bouquets of their favourite blooms … and so do men!

10.  Read together. Saying nothing while each of you is completely absorbed in the other worlds your visiting is a marvellously safe and satisfying way to spend time together. Of course, when reading time is over, there’s all that wonderful information to share with one another.

11.  Read out loud to each other. This is so much fun – a page or a chapter at a time. This way you both absorb stories or magazines at the same pace and can make all the comments you like when it’s swap over time.

12.  Read erotica out loud to each other – a totally different experience from reading other sorts of material. You might as well do this while you’re in bed together because that’s where you’re going to end up together anyway!

13.  Sing together – in the kitchen, in the car, wherever, whenever. Singing together is good for the soul.

14.  Cook something special together. Look through recipe books, decide on several possible candidates and then make time in the kitchen a regular “meet you there” spot.

15.  Meditate together.  Mediating is good for your mind, body and spirit and regulating your breathing and brain patterns to a similar pattern as your partner can have a very unifying and bonding affect.

I hope you enjoy this sample of fun things to do together. They’ve all been tried and tested by us and many other couples and been found to have very beneficial affects. Let me know how much you enjoy them and if you’d like to hear about more fun couple activities. And if you have any other fun couple pastimes to share (keep it clean, please) then we (me and everyone else who loves love) would love to hear from you.