Life Coaching

We all know what a sport coach does, don’t we? Well, maybe not exactly … but we’ve got a pretty good idea. He or she looks after a team or a person by being objective enough to assess the strengths and weaknesses of their talent and assisting them to achieve their short and long term objectives. The coach wants them to win. He or she can’t do the job of winning for them but it’s because of the coach’s guidance that the team can develop into the superior force they are innately capable of being. Now, take the word “sport” out and put in “life”, and you basically understand the job of a life coach.

A Life Coach assesses a client’s thoughts, emotions, beliefs and life patterns, uncovering subconscious saboteurs and observing behavioural and linguistic strategies that may be hampering success. A life coach wants their clients to win. That is my job as a Life Coach – to help you achieve your goals, in whatever area of your life they may be. I am here to help you sort through the obstacles that may be hampering your various talents, may be creating conflict, may be diminishing your happiness and then assist you in developing the plans that will take you through to success.

My ultimate goal as your life coach is to light the path to your very own brilliance. I want your self awareness and understanding to become so keenly honed and well practised that you eventually no longer need me to help perfect your career and life game. Of course, it’s still helpful to come see me for particularly trying moments but by then it will be more as a ballast, a stabilizer for any touch of the worry wobbles you might still experience.

To get to this end result will require dedication and persistence on both our parts and, as we experience the fruits of our labour, we will rejoice together. It is only by you succeeding that I succeed.

Going back to the sports analogy, imagine you like playing tennis. You know how to hit a ball and you’ve been told you’re “not bad” by a few of your friends and opponents yet you want to be better than so-so. You want to be good. You might even want to be great! So you hire a tennis coach and once a week you get together to work out what needs to be done to improve your game. If you’re really serious, you might even get together a few times a week because every time you’re with your coach, you learn something more about the ways you can make your game better. You learn what to improve, what to let go. You learn more about inner conviction and you learn that, with practise, you’ve got what it takes. You are definitely getting better and better. Your coach can’t play your games for you but everything your coach has taught you guides the way you play. The strategies and techniques become easier and easier to use and as you practise and practise they become part of who are. You’re a winner!

And here we are, back at life coaching – just convert all the above sport’s terms into life, career, relationship terms and you have it – you’ve got yourself a life coach mentoring you into the excellence that is waiting for you to own and display. You’re making better choices and quick solid decisions. You now know that there’s no such thing as failure – there is only feedback. You’ve got someone guarding your back and you’re facing the world with greater optimism and confidence. You’re meant to live a fantastic life. You just needed a little help. Thank goodness, you found a good life coach.